Join In Defense of Black Lives, Mothers Against Police Brutality, Critical Resistance, and BlackOUt Collective for this virtual #DefundDPD Mass Resistance Training to skill up and get plugged into the work of defunding the police in Dallas!
This training will offer an introduction to police/prison abolition vs. reform, how we are going to defund the police in Dallas, and how we can use organizing, direct action, narrative weaving, and movement building to win!
Part 1 on Saturday, September 12 will feature the history of policing in the U.S. and Dallas with Mothers Against Police Brutality. Critical Resistance will introduce the framework of the Prison Industrial Complex and provide clarity on the debate around abolition vs reform.
Part 2 on Sunday, September 13 will build upon part 1 so please attend both days. The BlackOut Collective will lead participants in Direct Action 101 for resisters who who want to up their organizing skills. There will also be narrative training so you can uplifting why we must defund the police when the media puts a mic in your face in the streets. This training is our offering to our comrades, neighbors, family who are taking to the streets and who imagine a city and World where we divest from violence, terror, and oppression and invest in human dignity, rights, and safety through people investment over police.
Spanish interpretation will be provided. Register at before we reach capacity!
The BlackOut Collective is a radical full service direct action organization. We build organizations’ capacity to execute creative and effective direct actions in service of their organizing and advocacy work. We do this through providing personalized direct action trainings and on the ground action support.
Critical Resistance is a national, member-based grassroots organization that works to build a mass movement to dismantle the prison-industrial complex